4 Tips on Publishing a Press Release


4 Tips on Publishing a Press Release

Writing a press release is surely a challenge, but really that is only the half of it. When you are done with the production process, you will need to come up with a PR strategy for distribution.

The most common and conventional PR routes to travel along would be to publish the press release on our website as share it on social media channels and via email. But here’s how you can make sure that your press release grabs the maximum eyeballs.

1. Focus on certain journos

Instead of bombarding all possible journalists you could find contact details for with your press release, only concentrate on contacting a few journalists who are preferably from your industry. Send them a personal message to help them see why what you wrote is relevant to their own writing.

2. Offline connects just as good

While we live in a day and age where online communication like emails (and press releases) are the way to go but imagine the average amount of mail a journalist receives every day.  They might just miss out on your mail because they are snowed under. So differentiate yourself by sending out a copy through an offline channel like the post.

3. Send out your release a bit in advance

It is a good idea to send your release to top journos a little in advance – maybe even a day before you plan to officially make it live. Of course they are under embargo not to share it before you do, but it will buy them some time to come up with some killer copy.

4. Great media coverage means more sharing

You’ve sent out the press release, and the media is abuzz with your latest news. But this is not all, you have to keep the fires stoked. You can keep the interest high by releasing a second tide of stories by way of how news outlets publicize your press release.

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